11/10/2021 / By Ramon Tomey
Canadian author and radio show host Kennedy Hall described climate alarmism and the fear driven by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic as tools of control by the global elites. He noted that the grim predictions by experts never quite came true – with the opposite even happening at times.
In a Nov. 6 blog post for LifeSiteNews.com, Hall pointed out that climate change predictions espoused by former Vice President Al Gore and others did not come to fruition. “It was not hard to find a wealth of knowledge that debunked virtually every claim of all the climate change prophets, who were not just wrong, but were often really wrong.”
The author cited Gore’s 2008 prediction that the Arctic would be devoid of ice come 2013 – which was eventually proven false. An article by the Daily Caller seven years after this prediction revealed that Arctic ice even returned to normal levels. “The North Pole looks like it could have near normal ice coverage. After experiencing its lowest maximum sea ice extent on record, the Arctic ice has rebounded and is currently within its normal 30-year range,” the July 2015 article pointed out.
Hall added: “When you look into the litany of predictions about catastrophes related to climate and weather, you find that the predictions are all over the map, and there is no consistency.” Back in the 1970s, the general prediction was that of global cooling and the onset of a “new Ice Age” by 2000. This shifted to global warming by the 1980s, with warnings of countries being submerged if climate change was not addressed.
He continued that in the 1990s, climate alarmists were warning about the disappearance of the ozone layer. Almost three decades later, Hall pointed out that “the [hole] in the ozone layer [seems] to have gone away for the most part, even though the population has grown worldwide and fossil fuel emissions are still a thing.” (Related: Disaster averted: NASA confirms the ozone hole over Antarctica is CLOSING.)
Hall cited a tweet by conservative professor and YouTuber Jordan Peterson that said: “Let the climate change modelers model the future price of a single stock for five years [or] for one year, but the entire climate – which is everything – for eighty years?”
Peterson was trying to express that “there is a massive amount of complexity when considering the ‘entire climate,'” Hall explained. “Even if it could be proven that man was causing climate change, it would not be obvious that we could really do anything about it – save for exterminating the human race, which some climate alarmists wouldn’t be opposed to.”
Hall wrote in his LifeSiteNews.com piece: “I would add … that the issue of climate is too big to pin down. [I also] suggest that the issue of COVID – and all that is associated with the litany of failed government interventions – is of the same ilk.” According to the author, “the audacious claim that governments could control a virus is as absurd as the idea that they could control the entire natural world.”
“Just like with climate models, virtually all of the COVID models have been inaccurate to a high degree, or even completely wrong. [The] nebulous nature of modeling and the hypothetical framework that the modelers use allow them to continue to claim the intellectual high ground, even if they are widely proven to be wrong.”
Hall compared COVID and climate modelers to Las Vegas casinos that “rig the game against the gambler.” He said: “They are in total control, and there is no way to prove any dishonesty because you are playing by their rules. It is a rigged game and they can always claim to be bright, because they operate in a world of fantasy and whimsy that does not require reality as a contributing factor.
“[Both] COVID modelers and climate modelers ensure that they have ‘get out of jail free’ cards built into their fallacious models. Their models always show the ‘worst case’ that will befall humanity if governments don’t ‘do something,’ and there is always a collection of outcomes that can only be proven in a hypothetical future scenario that depends on a host of factors that may or may not happen.
“As a result, if the worst case does not come true, then they can simply point to government intervention. There is, of course, no way to completely disprove their claims – because they made claims about outcomes that never existed.” (Related: Larry Hamlin: Climate emergency is the product of propaganda and politics without scientific backing.)
Ultimately, Hall warned that there is no way to win a fight against COVID and climate modelers if people play by their game. The only way to win is by not participating and “rejecting the whole scenario,” he added.
“As alarming as this whole climate lockdown business seems, there is a silver lining: The elites will have nothing else to go after when they have finally push for total climate control. When their attempted total-domination of the skies and seas shows itself to be a failure, they will be seen as the complete and utter fools that we know them to be.”
ClimateAlarmism.news has more on the fear-mongering tactics globalists use that involve climate change.
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Tagged Under: climate change, climate control, climate models, conspiracy, COVID models, covid-19 pandemic, deception, environment, fear mongering, globalist elites, globalists, lies, propaganda, science deception, Wuhan coronavirus